I’m a full time working mama and currently hold the position of Financial Controller at an amazing online retailer whose products support the emotional well being of children. I’ve been working in the Finance & Accounting field for over 9 years and have a dual-major Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Accounting. I also have an MBA with a focus in Finance. I understand the balancing act that goes into having a career and a family. It’s not easy, but totally worth it!
Modern Day Mom is a blog I started not only as a creative outlet for myself, but also as an avenue to share my story with others, in hopes of offering inspiration and encouragement to other moms. I first became a mom at 21, while in a really unhealthy relationship. That relationship ended before our daughter turned 1, but by the grace of God, that same relationship was repaired and restored and we are now happily married. I’ve been so fortunate and extremely blessed in my life and I only hope that my experiences and lessons learned can inspire, encourage and empower other women in theirs.